Monday, March 22, 2010

RD: Endgame

The endgame of Radiant Dawn annoys me for one reason—after all that work, you really can't use anyone. If you don't take pretty much all the laguz kings, you're as good as dead (or impossible, at least).

Let's remember that you absolutely must bring these people, despite the fact I'd rather not tote along numbers 2 and 6.
1. Ike
2. Michaiah
3. Sothe
4. Sanaki
5. Kurth

The first time around I played on "easy," so it wasn't absolutely terrible. I completed this probably three months ago so my character selection may not be completely accurate (I think I used the last two, at least, though I wonder why I have no healer).
7. Haar
8. Shinon
9. Zihark
10. Nephenee
11. Nolan
12. Boyd
13. Marcia
14. Skrimir
15. Naesala
16. Rolf
My aboslutely unstoppable people were #7-10. Nolan rocked a little more toward the end. In retrospect, I have absolutely no idea how I did it. None. If I had to do it again with this team, I would have failed miserably.

Second time around (on "normal"), I had:
7. Shinon
8. Nailah
9. Soren
10. Tibarn
11. Oscar
12. Titania
13. Stefan
14. Zihark
15. Edward
16. Rhys
Strongest units were #7-10, but I wouldn't necessary call them "unstoppable." I don't know why I didn't bring Haar. Or why I had three trueblades (Actually, Edward promoted to Trueblade during the endgame, which just made him rock that much more). But I did manage to max out Shinon, Oscar, Titania, & Ike in experience points, which is more than I can say last time (I think it was only Shinon the first time around. No, I'm not in love with him, not at all).

This, however, was nearly impossible against Dheginsea. The only people who could do any damage without killing themselves were Tibarn and Ike, and the latter only did 12 MT damage each time. Reyson and Rhys were seriously busy during that level, constantly singing and healing so Ike can go at it again. That only took me a week to figure out.

Next time? Bring more laguz kings. But my point of all this? You work so hard through the entire game to level people up, and you have to take the laguz at the end and pretty much ditch everyone else. I would have loved to tote along Rolf and Boyd as well second time around, but there's not nearly enough room. I'd really like to swap out Ena and Kurth for people I actually like using. Oh well.

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