Tuesday, July 20, 2010

PoR Promotions

I previously read somewhere that when Soren promotes from Mage to Sage, you should always give him staves because his strength sucks. I'm trying to do things different this time around, to see what happens, so I decided to give him knives this time. What a stupid idea. He's utterly useless with a knife and it was kind of a waste of a promotion.

Next note: I've completely maxed Rhys on experience and I'm not really near the end of the game yet. But he's just so great with a weapon (Light magic 24 damage x2!). I guess I should give him a break and actually start using Mist. She's always hanging around the board, but Rhys can reach everyone so much better with the physic staff. (Thanks, Volke, for stealing so many of these throughout the game.)

Surprise character this time around: Jill. I hadn't planned on training her, but it just happened that way. I now understand why everyone says she rocks so much, and she's nowhere near her full potential. I was trying to get her to A support with Mist before they reached Shiharam, but no such luck. Regardless, it forced me to keep her on the board and I generally used her to finish guys off, so bonus points for her.

Snipers: At the moment, Rolf is level 14 and Shinon is level 8. hahaha. That's what you get, Shinon, for disappearing the majority of the game. And as much as I love him, Rolf does end up being the better archer. No one can touch him. When they battled Ena, both using a laguz bow, Rolf's damage was something like 32 and Shinon's was 8. I don't even know.

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