Regardless, it was really fun trying new things. Like playing as Pelleas (LOVE HIM. More on that in another post, later). I also recruited Sephiran at the end, which explained so much of the back story. It was all pretty awesome.
My top five: [name - level - weapon]
5. Sothe - Whisper/14 - Steel Dagger*
4. Ike - Vanguard/20 - Ragnell
3. Haar - Dragonlord/20 - Tomahawk
2. Shinon - Marksman/20 - Double Bow
And number one...
EDWARD! I'm not even kidding, I had been working on him since chapter one. I wanted him in my top five, though I never expected him to be first. Edward, you rock. He was equipped with Alondite for the end.
*Sothe totally could have used something better, but I accidentally left the good stuff with Volke. Whoops.
And the rest of my endgame roster:
Rolf - Marksman/20 - Silencer
Rhys - Saint/20 - Purge (long-distance light magic!)
Titania - Gold Knight/17 - Urvan (I always give her Urvan. Sentimental reasons.)
Michiah - Light Priestess/7 - Thani
Sanaki - Empress/4 - Rexflame (coolest fire tome ever.)
Pelleas - Arc Sage/2 - Fenrir (long-distance dark magic!)
And my heron, Rafiel.
I'm a little surprised that Rolf didn't make the top five, though. I was convinced that my sniper-in-training would be better than his master.
As you know from my previous post, Rhys was completely maxed out. I'm still proud of myself over that. Though my maxed-exp people were pretty close—most were just missing a couple points on two of the abilities. Also, having Yune bless two people with long-distance magic is pretty much the best idea ever. Pelleas was never near anyone.
As mentioned before, Sephiran joined me at the end, and I equipped him with SS light and dark magic (they happened to be in my inventory). While he can't do any damage on Ashera, since the weapons aren't Yune-blessed, he was still pretty handy to get rid of those nasty little spirits that kept on popping up. I didn't take everyone at the end, either. I probably only had about half come with me to Ashera, because I couldn't trust the rest not to get killed.
I seriously need to talk with someone who has experienced this "alternate" Sephiran ending. There's just so much that I understand better about everything.
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