Sunday, May 23, 2010

Radiant Dawn Endgame, x3

Why yes, this is the third time I've completed this game in five months... (Though I think I need to take a break from it now. At least a month or so.)

Well. Endgame roster: Ike*, Micaiah, Rhys, Titania*, Soren*, Nailah, Tibarn, Shinon*, Caineghis, Rolf*, Stefan*, Kurthnaga, Sanaki, Renning, Sothe, Ena, Rafiel.

(Asterisks indicated maxed exp.)

It recently occurred to me, though I kind of always knew this, that I don't have to use everyone. So even though I'm forced to bring along Sothe, Sanaki, and the dragons, I didn't necessarily have to use them. Sorry guys. You're a liability.

By the Ashera battle, I was only using (of the list above) Ike through Kurth. And Kurth was only there to rescue Michiah the majority of the time, because Ashera kept on killing her. Of course, she eventually killed Kurth. Whoops.

I've never used Renning before. He's not bad. He starts as a Gold Knight level, like, 16 or something. So I've figured out he's a good selection at the end if you haven't leveled your other knights properly. I could have taken Oscar along and it would have been the same thing. But hey. He's cool.

Poor Soren got stuck as a healer during the last battle. But I didn't properly promote him beforehand, and forgot to buy an Arms Scroll to boost his weapon level, so he was stuck with Arcwind instead of Rexcalibur. He obviously got there eventually, but not fast enough for it to be Yune-blessed. Oh well. I certainly needed the healers, after all. (Good ol' Rhys; he was working so hard.)

Oh, and I obviously did reset just to include Stefan. I mean, come on. Someone had to use Alondite. Though the Vague Katti is better, anyway... curious. And I gave Titania Urvan, because it was only right.

I get way too emotionally attached to this stuff.

I won't even get into what I want to do "next time" because, like I said, I've got to take a break from this. And play Shadow Dragon. Perhaps try my hand at Sacred Stones again...

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