Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fan Recruitment

It seems the only thing my teenage cousin and I have conversations about is video games. it's our one bonding topic. So we were discussing games, and I obviously mentioned that Fire Emblem was one my favorites ever.

"Really?" He says. "I've been meaning to play that."
"Well! I'll let you borrow my copy of Path of Radiance."

This is a big deal for me; loaning out PoR. But anyway. He glanced at the case and said, "Oh! That's where Ike comes from." (As he's one of the group that only knows him from Brawl.) "What about Marth and Roy?" He asked.

Which is funny, because they're all FE titles, and yet he's never played any of them. I guess the style is rather distinct. I, of course, explained which games they originated from, and then boasted that I am currently playing Roy's Japanese-only game with an English hack. There is no limit to my fandom.

I suppose we'll be discussing PoR over Christmas dinner, assuming his busy college schedule has provided him time to play it yet. These are the things I look forward to. I only hope he's as excited over it as I am.

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